(BEST)friendship from 398 miles away

Why the hell is it that life seems to keep you far far away (Shrek) from the people you love and need the most? Is it to make you stronger? To force you to make new friends? When deep deep down in your heart you know that you have already made your best friend for life. DUH. And now college has forced you to move 398 miles away from each other and it might as well be the other side of the world 😦

This is where the story of Maryann and Jenny started 8 long (but seemingly short) years ago…

After meeting freshman year we graduated from high school in what seemed to be the blink of an eye (that is without a doubt the cheesiest line but it is so friggin’ true). And now here we are… about to GRADUATE from COLLEGE 4 years later.

If you have any experience with this type of BEST BEST BEST one in a billion friendships you know very well that long distance ‘friendship ‘is basically a long distance relationship (I’M SO SERIOUS). Countless Skype sessions, texting/talking every single day without skipping a beat, snap chatting like no one’s business and of course thinking/talking about the other in their absence wishing so badly that they could be by your side all perfectly exemplify this wonderful and rare type of friendship. Because, lets face it people, life is just more fun with them.

Life is a very funny thing…

I have chosen to move back to my hometown to accept a job offer upon graduation, while Maryann will stay in Southern California to pursue a kick ass career in acting (She is a straight up “shine bright like a diamond” STAR. Trust me on this one people, you’ll see one day). Even though it completely breaks my heart knowing that we can’t be together for who the heck knows how much longer… I know that our friendship can only continue to get better and better. Being 398 miles apart has been hard, but it makes seeing each other so so special when we do rarely get the chance.

This post isn’t meant to be solely about Maryann and I, (even though our best friendship is the freakin’ most amazing ever) it’s meant to be a huge shoutout to all the true BFFS out there who are kicking butt and lifting each other up day in and day out, constantly making each other better and happier people. Even from miles and miles apart.

So thank you to my Maryann, I am so so lucky to have you. LOVE YOU SO MUCH. Can’t wait for the many many more adventures and fun years to come ❤ Even if it is from miles apart!! But it’s okay because we WILL have a sick vacation home when the time is right.

Subscribe for tips on how to maintain an amazing friendship from miles apart. Trust me. We KNOW our sh**.





You Can’t Handle This Love

We’re beginning to feel emotional in preparation for my (Maryann’s) departure, and knowing that we will be spending so much time apart. This may not seem like a big deal  to the average friend-and-friend duo, but the separation anxiety will be so real. (I mean come on, do you have a super fancy toothbrush at your best friends house?) There is no better person than a true and genuine best friend, or in our case, someone who has surpassed that to become two bodies and minds completely attached to one another. If you find yourself in a situation with full trust and never any past occurrences of dissapointment or lack of loyalty, hold on tight because it is the most special thing you could ever have.

The other day we had a conversation (that may or may not have been the funniest thing ever recorded in the history of anything and that may have had some intoxication involved) that went a little something like this (the conversation took place over the phone), “I just want someone to love me as much as you do..but that’s a boy”, that’s the real deal. If there is any love that you should aspire to have, it is one that is equal to (If that is even possible) to the love embraced and shared with your best friend (if you have a best friend that could possibly be as great as the one that I have).

This isn’t your average: let’s-go-out-and-get-hammered-together-and-act-like-we-are-best-friends-kind of thing. It is the most genuine and safe feeling of: I-can-say-and-do-whatever-I-want-with-the-honesty-and-support-of-a-person-I-look-to-for-stability-and-understanding-under-any-and-every-situation-type thing. It is the kind of thing that makes you cry weeks in advance before leaving to go across the world and be apart from your best friend before you even have to be apart.

Sorry for the mush..but I have to preface all of the things that are said before I leave and adventure on my own for a little (in Europe) without the comfort of having my little Jenjen next to me.

“I just want to be really close to you watching a movie right now.” 😥

xoxo, M&J

❤ ❤ ❤


Sharing our favorite reads with the WORLD

Hello and WELCOME to all of our fellow book worms!! This will without a doubt be your favorite place to visit on our blog, so enjoy 🙂

Here you will gain full access to our personal reviews on books we have read. More often than not we will swap books and provide you with one brilliant review that perfectly combines both of our feelings about the novel.

I know what you must be thinking. “Two girls writing reviews on super girly/gossipy/50 Shades of Grey type books.. that’s NOT for me!” This is where you are OH SO WRONG. I promise you we have a very eclectic taste in books! It ranges anywhere from adventure to historical to Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings… So don’t you worry. (We won’t completely leave out the 50 Shades of Grey type stuff that s**t is too good)

Reviews on books we have read this summer are coming soon!!

Much love,


❤ ❤ ❤


We never fail to have the best possible time…even if we start out our trip at 4 am with no set plans and only one ambiguos destination.

If we learned one thing from this kick butt trip (that we will tell you ALL about in just a sec I promise) it’s that all you need to have a freakin RIOT is:

  1. your best friend
  2. a car (that you may or may not sleep in, full of pillows and blankets)
  3. your drink of choice (TEQUILA HOLLABACK… #bye)
  4. a mindset that the girls who brought your best guy friends with them will love you, welcoming you with open arms (after you give them all of your alcohol–PLEASE B*TCH, TAKE IT & LOVE US)
  5. and an optimistic attitude that will get you through an 8 mile walk when you’re too bored and cheap to wait for a taxi (because obviously you need the exercise after a day full of drinking and not eating anything…)

So… here’ s the back story. We have spent America’s b-day together every year since we left for college…There was no chance we were breaking that sick tradition. But this year we wanted to do something better than ever before (don’t get me wrong… the family parties/fireworks are a hoot) but we had to let loose and do somethin’ cray.

Here we go. I’ll paint ya a pretty little picture of this glorious scene beginning at 4 FREAKIN A.M.

4am- alarm goes off (it was set as Classic Man by Jidenna.. because something needs to pump you up when you’re waking up that early)

4:20am- we ACTUALLY wake up

4:45-6am- through the extreme delusion we manage to get prettay. Ready to rage our faces off (haha I’m honestly kidding, we aren’t that nuts)

6:15am- on that starbs hype. ICED COFFEE ICED COFFEE ICED COFFEE. (by this I mean we had three grande iced coffees by the time we finally arrived)

6:30-7:45am- managing to never ever ever have a moment of silence in the car (because even with coffee we are light weights) we get to TAHOE. South shore to be exact.

This is the moment when the panic sets in… because we are starting to come to terms with the fact that we have made absolutely NO plans. (please reference lesson learned #2 above, regarding the car sitch) So we decide to park our car behind a random casino and head to the nearest bar serving Bloody Mary’s. BLOODY HELL HARRY.

The frantic texting has begun. Yes, I know that you know exactly what I’m talking about. That moment when you text everyone within a five mile radius of you. Hoping that your friends love you enough to let you tag along. (aka: making all of their plans for the day your plans for the day)

We just had one teeny tiny.. actually quite MASSIVE and might I say terrifying problem: we only really have each other in a world full of great guy friends. Like I mentioned above ^^ (#4 to be exact) we were about to embark on a dangerous mission. A mission that involved crashing a party in a hotel planned by a bunch of girls that we had absolutely no ties to. Our moms didn’t know their moms.. our dogs didn’t know their dogs (our dawgs knew their dawgs)…Maryann kinda knew them but not enough for this to be okay..but have no fear because TEQUILA is here. And we bout to give those GURLS all that good sh*t. (saving ourselves a few shots.. again good thing we’re light weights)

So long story short we quickly bonded with them (through the crazy thunder and lightening storms) by giving them our undivided attention and basically forgetting the guys were even there.

After a very expensive smooshed cab ride to Zephyr Cove (the party capital of the 4th) we realized that we were not only making some awesome new friends.. we would also be reuniting with some people we never really cared to stay in touch with after high school.

It twas a beachy day full of fun in the not so sunny…kind of nonexistent sun. We ran into people that we would later learn were too intoxicated to ever remember we had seen them. (THANK YOU DEAR LORD).

By this point in time it was about 3:30pm and we were pretty pooped considering we had been wide awake since 4ish in the morning. Since Zephyr is such a poppin’ place on the 4th and the wait for a cab was ridiculous we decided to brave the storm (literally walk through the rain) all the way back to state line. And this was no walk in the park. There was no park whatsoever. Just a small area on the side of the freeway not meant for people to place their feet. Good thing we had great entertainment during the 2 hour walk (that slowly turned into a crawl) back to the hotel.

The rest of the night consisted of a bomb firework show, hot tubbing, lots of laughing (with our new friends) and ended with a comfy night of spooning with each other on the rock hard hotel floor.

Needless to say the hotel floor absolutely SUCKED and we woke up a few hours later ready for breakfast even before iHop was ready. (They were not open.. WHAT THE H*LL) After seeing a scary/bloody man trying to use the poor iHop hostess’s phone and having our order completely messed up we lived to make the trek back home.

We had done it. No plans. No problems. And hey, we even managed to miss all of the traffic which is just ABSURD. But what else can you expect from a few days with M & J???

❤ ❤ ❤ ❤