You Can’t Handle This Love

We’re beginning to feel emotional in preparation for my (Maryann’s) departure, and knowing that we will be spending so much time apart. This may not seem like a big deal  to the average friend-and-friend duo, but the separation anxiety will be so real. (I mean come on, do you have a super fancy toothbrush at your best friends house?) There is no better person than a true and genuine best friend, or in our case, someone who has surpassed that to become two bodies and minds completely attached to one another. If you find yourself in a situation with full trust and never any past occurrences of dissapointment or lack of loyalty, hold on tight because it is the most special thing you could ever have.

The other day we had a conversation (that may or may not have been the funniest thing ever recorded in the history of anything and that may have had some intoxication involved) that went a little something like this (the conversation took place over the phone), “I just want someone to love me as much as you do..but that’s a boy”, that’s the real deal. If there is any love that you should aspire to have, it is one that is equal to (If that is even possible) to the love embraced and shared with your best friend (if you have a best friend that could possibly be as great as the one that I have).

This isn’t your average: let’s-go-out-and-get-hammered-together-and-act-like-we-are-best-friends-kind of thing. It is the most genuine and safe feeling of: I-can-say-and-do-whatever-I-want-with-the-honesty-and-support-of-a-person-I-look-to-for-stability-and-understanding-under-any-and-every-situation-type thing. It is the kind of thing that makes you cry weeks in advance before leaving to go across the world and be apart from your best friend before you even have to be apart.

Sorry for the mush..but I have to preface all of the things that are said before I leave and adventure on my own for a little (in Europe) without the comfort of having my little Jenjen next to me.

“I just want to be really close to you watching a movie right now.” 😥

xoxo, M&J

❤ ❤ ❤


Sharing our favorite reads with the WORLD

Hello and WELCOME to all of our fellow book worms!! This will without a doubt be your favorite place to visit on our blog, so enjoy 🙂

Here you will gain full access to our personal reviews on books we have read. More often than not we will swap books and provide you with one brilliant review that perfectly combines both of our feelings about the novel.

I know what you must be thinking. “Two girls writing reviews on super girly/gossipy/50 Shades of Grey type books.. that’s NOT for me!” This is where you are OH SO WRONG. I promise you we have a very eclectic taste in books! It ranges anywhere from adventure to historical to Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings… So don’t you worry. (We won’t completely leave out the 50 Shades of Grey type stuff that s**t is too good)

Reviews on books we have read this summer are coming soon!!

Much love,


❤ ❤ ❤